“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19–20
The primary mission of Bethe Eritrea Church is to spread the gospel message of Jesus Christ. That said, no other moment in history has offered as many possible channels for that message to travel through into the hearts and lives of people everywhere. It is also true that Bethel church has used media technologies. Most of these efforts have centred on radio and television, which are still the perceived apex for any media ministry.
However, media consumption patterns have changed so much in recent times that it requires a shift in thinking away from the traditional media model to more of a hybrid media model, which gives increasingly more weight to emerging media platforms such as the Internet and mobile technologies.
YouTube is the leading video sharing Web site where Bethel church has its own “channel” to populate with content. More than 100 million people spend time on YouTube every month—a sizeable congregation by any estimation. Bethel church YouTube channel received a variety of comments on the content uploaded, not all of it positive; but be encouraged that the messages are being viewed by those who, many times, need to hear them most.
This ministry not only provides the technical support required for our worship (choir) , but also records various events, teachings and sermons, which are made available online and live Streaming on our You Tube and web site.
Our ministry covers the church needs that have to do with audio and visual technology, the most requested and needed functions of the ministry are:
• Broadcasting live audio and video
• Recording audio and video during regular church services and special events.
• Audio and video editing or recorded services and other special events for archive, broadcast and production.
• Production, duplication, distribution of recorded audio, sermon messages and other special events.
• Providing audio and video support for evangelistic outreach and other special events outside of the church building.
•Providing perfect PowerPoint presentations to an unprecedented creative and technical level
•Providing quality promotional and house materials using print and digital media
•Providing a cutting-edge television, Radio ministry and Mini studio.
· Providing a website
Website is reflecting what your church’s vision and purpose is. So one of the main purposes of a church website is to inform potential visitors about your church. A second major purpose is to provide an information hub for your congregation and that is what we are doing at the moment, our website is highly used by Saturday Class as the Virtual Study platform like Moodle’s and a very successful Bible college.
The Main Goal in utilising Media Ministry
• Giving members and regular attenders a quick and easy way to be encouraged by the preaching of God’s Word through the online sermons
• Keeping update members and regular attender’s announcements.
• Encouraging members and regular attenders through Updates Blogs.
Aim: The team is excited to be on the cutting edge with this and many other ministries. We believe that God deserves our best and that worship should be the fullest and most meaningful experience of the week. Our Worship Projection Ministry uses state of the art equipment to project the Praise and Worship Songs, Scriptures, and the Pastor’s sermon highlights on the sanctuary screens. Using a program that animates the presentation, this ministry enhances every worship experience.
Aim: The Communications Team develops and produces the weekly Strategies for God’s Mission Video, which highlights key events and is aired during Sunday worship services and placed on the Church’s YouTube channel and Facebook page, sound System and PA.
Social Networking: The Communications Ministry directs and manages the Church’s social networking presence (Facebook and YouTube) by ensuring that pertinent and prominent information about ministry events are routinely shared and updated.
Cyber Church: The Communications team directs and manages the Cyber Church, which is available at each Sunday worship and revival service via you tube and soon will be on face book .
Advertising & Graphic Design: The Communications teams helps develop and coordinate creative projects or publicity campaigns for events with regard to print, graphic designs, videos, posters, flyers, banners & multi-media advertising.